Our college won the top prize of Jiangxi University VR courseware design and production competition

作者: 时间:2019-10-21 点击数:

On October 20, VR courseware design and production competition hosted by the Provincial Department of education, the Provincial Department of industry and information technology, and the Nanchang Municipal People's government and organised by Jiangxi University of technology was successfully concluded in Qianhu Yingbin Hotel, Jiangxi Province. Wang Lixia, deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Department of education, attended the final and delivered a speech. Luo Sihai, Secretary of the Party committee of our university, attended the semi-finals and delivered a speech. Liu Zuwen, member of the Party committee and vice president of University, Secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Management Committee of Nanchang campus, Zhang Shuiping, director of the academic affairs department, Wei Jianke, deputy director of the publicity department, Zeng Chunshui, Dean of the school of software engineering and Liu Shumin, vice Dean attended the competition. Nine experts including Professor Chen Zhigang, doctoral supervisor of Central South University, Professor Jia Jinyuan, doctoral supervisor of Tongji University, and Professor Zheng Shijue, doctoral supervisor of central China Normal University presented  as judges of the competition.

Our school won ‘excellent organization award’ of this competition. Yang Hui’s team from our university won the first prize. Peng Wen, Fan Zhongkui and Zhu mei’s team won the third prize. Yang Hui and Peng Wen also won the ‘excellent supervisor Award’.

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